ISSN 1674-7542 CN 11-5859/D

17 November 2024, Volume 15 Issue 6

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  • China Review of Political Economy. 2024, 15(6): 3-18.
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    Economic system reform has an important impact and transmission role on other reforms. The progress of major economic system reforms determines the progress of many other aspects of system reforms, and has a role in influencing the whole reform progress. Letting economic system reform play a leading role for other reforms is an inevitable requirement for liberating and developing social productive forces. Comprehensive deepening of reforms in the new era provides strong impetus for the development of new quality productive forces. Judging from China's reform process,economic system reform is a breakthrough in comprehensively deepening reform, and it also drives institutional reforms in the fields of politics, society, culture and ecological civilization. To further promote economic system reform, we must focus on properly handling the core issue of the relationship between the government and the market, put the construction of a high-level socialist market economic system in a prominent position,closely focus on the main tasks of reform to scientifically plan and pragmatically advance them, and lead reforms in comprehensive innovation in institutional mechanisms, democracy and the rule of law, cultural system and mechanism, people's livelihood system, and ecological civilization system.

  • China Review of Political Economy. 2024, 15(6): 19-33.
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    Since the reform and opening up, there are five major advancements in the Communist Party of China's understanding of the basic socialist economic system guided byDeng Xiaoping Theory, Important Thought of Three Represents,Scientific Outlook on Development,and Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with ChineseCharacteristics for a New Era. It changed from the traditional planned economy to the socialist market economy; from a pure public ownership system to public ownership as the mainstay of national economic development with other forms of ownership playing their parts; from a single distribution method of “according to one's work” to the coexistence of multiple distribution methods; from the establishment of the principle of distribution according to contribution to the refinement and enactment of the system; from the basic economic system in the initial stage of socialism to the comprehensive upgradation of the basic socialist economic system. This series of cognitive changes not only promoted the reform of China's economic institution and basic economic system,but also opened up a new realm for the development of contemporary Chinese Marxism.

  • China Review of Political Economy. 2024, 15(6): 34-52.
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    The present and the near future constitute a critical period for our endeavor to build a great country and move towards national rejuvenation on all fronts through Chinese modernization. Advancing Chinese modernization requires further deepening reform. Important arrangements for further deepening reform comprehensively to advance Chinese modernization are made at the third plenary session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. It emphasized that we should promote better adaptations of relations of production and productive forces, superstructure and economic foundation,national governance and social development, to provide strong impetus and institutional guarantee for Chinese modernization. Comprehensively deepening reform means, on the premise of adhering to the basic political and economic systems, reforming the part of the superstructure that involves the national governance system and governance capacity, and promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity to achieve a positive interaction with the economic foundation. It also means, on the premise of adhering to the basic economic system,reforming the specific forms of production relations such as institutional arrangements, institutional structures, and mechanism designs to adapt to and promote the development of productive forces. This has not only rigorous theoretical logic,profound historical logic,clear practical logic,but also increasingly clear reform roadmap and construction plan.
  • China Review of Political Economy. 2024, 15(6): 53-65.
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    This paper focuses on reviewing Professor Hong Yuanpeng's academic achievements. Professor Hong Yuanpeng has been dedicated to the study, teaching, and dissemination of Marx's Capital for a long time. He has transformed Marx's comprehensive understanding of the political economy system into various forms of academic achievements, fully showcasing the theoretical charm of Marxist political economy. Professor Hong Yuanpeng, based on the soil of China's economic life, applies Marx's political economy theory system to explore the theoretical logic of fundamental principles such as value and price, and answers many theoretical and practical problems in economic reform practice. He has made unremitting efforts to enhance the ability to interpret Marxist political economy theory. He was the first to systematically propose and construct the theoretical system of social interests, making outstanding contributions to the development of China's socialist political economy with Chinese characteristics.

  • China Review of Political Economy. 2024, 15(6): 66-81.
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    The theory of the articulation of modes of production proposed by John G. Taylor et al. suggests that human society often has multiple production modes simultaneously, and the modes of articulation among them affects the development process of the economy and the society. Expanding this analytical framework, we believe that the articulation of production modes is the institutional arrangement or practical process of constructing the “sum” of production modes by establishing connections among various production modes with different attributes, their economic organizations, and economic activities through various means, so as to ease potential contradictions among them. The modes of articulation among production modes can be divided into three main types: master- slave articulation,plate articulation,and integrated articulation. The different modes of articulation mean different relationships among various production modes. Various modes of production either oppose or cooperate with each other, thus forming different“ownership ecology”in the entire society. What kind of ownership ecology a
    forms depends on the interaction between productive forces and production relations, economic base and superstructure. Especially, the structural influence of superstructure factors such as political power and ideology cannot be ignored. In the new journey of Chinese-style modernization, to promote the complementary advantages and common development of all kinds of ownership economies, it is necessary to systematically summarize China's historical experience in promoting the common development of multiple ownership economies since the reform and opening-up, gather broader ideological identity and social consensus for the common development of multiple ownership economies, optimize the articulation modes between various types of ownership economies, especially vigorously develop the integrated articulation,and correctly handle the relationship among the state-owned economy, the private economy and the foreign investment economy.

  • China Review of Political Economy. 2024, 15(6): 82-100.
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    The state-owned economy is not only a general economic form and economic phenomenon that is common in all countries in the world, but is also of a special nature. Whether in developed or developing economies,whether in the past or at the present, the state-owned economy has played an important role in the economic and social development. China's state-owned economy has the same or similar general functions as foreign state-owned economies, and also has special functions relative to foreign state-owned economies. The functions of the state-owned economies of various countries are constantly evolving dynamically with the changes in the internal and external environment. So far, there is no consistent conclusion in the academic circles on the function of the state-owned economy, and in particular, there is a lack of a coherent theoretical explanation framework. Similar to Western countries on the whole, the basic functions of China's state-owned economy can be divided into two dimensions: guarantee and guidance. The former is a general function, and the latter is a special function, which have created the Chinese miracle. The core functions of the state-owned economy is the modernization and concretization of the main basic functions. In recent years, although the quality and competitiveness of the state-owned economy and state-owned enterprises have been continuously enhanced, there are still considerable deficiencies in leading scientific and technological innovation,the development of new productive forces, safeguarding national security,and ensuring the people's livelihood. Thus they cannot meet the requirements of Chinese-style modernization and need to be strengthened. To enhance the functions of the state-owned economy, it is necessary to adhere to the principles of hierarchical classification,marketization,and benchmarking to international standards,and achieve this goal through high-quality development, comprehensively deepening reforms, and optimizing the layout and the structure.

  • China Review of Political Economy. 2024, 15(6): 101-114.
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    Cultivating and developing new quality productive forces is in line with the requirements of the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, and digital intelligence has become the future trend of scientific and technological innovation and industrial upgrading. It is the key interest and logical necessity of cultivating and developing new quality productive forces to promote the transformation of digital intelligence of productivity and to use digital intelligence technology to promote the cross-integration of various industries and thus to generate new industries and new business forms. Focusing on the goal of transforming China's economy from high-speed growth to high-quality development and cultivating and developing new quality productive forces with digital intelligence, it is necessary to focus on the digital intelligence of the industrial system that promotes the organic integration of agriculture, industry and service industries; the traditional production factor system is promoted by the embedment and reorganization of new technologies such as digitization, informatization and intelligentization. By improving the digital skills and intelligent application ability of workers, the digital intelligence of labor subjects can be enhanced. Only by adhering to the construction of modern industrial system with digitalized production mode, promoting the adjustment and optimization of production relations with digitalized production factors, and cultivating digitalized new quality talents guided by improving innovation ability, can we deepen the digitalized driving direction of cultivating and developing new quality productive forces.

  • China Review of Political Economy. 2024, 15(6): 115-130.
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    New quality productive forces is an innovative category of the sinicization and modernization of Marxist political economy. It has given the Marxist theory of productivity a new connotation and practical requirement of the times. This is reflected in the following: it is a brand-new summary and explanation of the new trends,characteristics and laws of the development of productive forces in Chinese society at the new stage, a new interpretation of the core position and important role of scientific and technological innovation in promoting the development of the productive forces at the new stage and its laws, a new overview of the qualitative changes in the factors of productive forces and their combinations in the new era, a new overview of the new trends in the path of productive forces' development and their modes of conversion, and a new explanation of the unique connotations of comprehensively deepening reforms to accelerate the formation of a new type of production relations that are compatible with new qualitative productivity. It has made innovative contributions to promoting the sinicization and modernization development of Marx's productivity theory.In the critical period of comprehensively advancing the construction of a powerful nation and national rejuvenation by means of Chinese modernization, it is necessary to adhere to the guidance of new quality productive forces to deeply promote reform and innovation, and continuously inject strong momentum into Chinese modernization.

  • China Review of Political Economy. 2024, 15(6): 131-143.
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     Xi Jinping economic thought, as the latest achievement of the sinicization and modernization of Marxist political economy, has opened up a new realm of contemporary socialist political economy with Chinese characteristics. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,the “systematic economic theory”with Chinese characteristics has become the leading direction for the formation and development of Xi Jinping economic thought. It has not only forged the disciplinary identity and academic characteristics of socialist political economy with Chinese characteristics, but also laid the theoretical characteristics and academic principles of China's independent knowledge system of economics. We must adhere to the system concept, deepen system integration, strengthen the research on the system integration of Xi Jinping economic thought, and further enhance the theoretical interpretation, systematic construction, and principle extraction of Xi Jinping economic thought.

  • China Review of Political Economy. 2024, 15(6): 144-162.
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    The theory of extra surplus value (ESV) is a significant component of Marx's surplus value theory, though its source has been the subject of ongoing debate. This article reviews and clarifies Marx's central arguments, demonstrating that the generation of ESV does not rely on changes in labor complexity and that the difference between individual value and social value is unrelated to value transfer. With this clarification, the paper proceeds to reconstruct Marx's theory of ESV, offering a new interpretation that resolves key ambiguities in existing scholarship. ESV is generated when individual firms innovate their production processes, reducing individual labor time and thereby obtaining surplus value beyond the average level. The benchmark for comparison is the surplus value that advanced firms can achieve under the prevailing social rate of surplus value. As a property derived from its definition,ESV is equal to the difference between a commodity's sale price and its individual value, which can be further divided into two components: the difference between the sale price and the social value, and the difference between the social value and the individual value. The first component arises from the transfer of value between sectors, while the second stems from value created by the firm's own labor. If a firm's technological innovation does not affect the social value of the commodity, ESV equals the difference between social value and individual value, and is entirely derived from value creation. However, if a firm monopolizes new technology and impedes price adjustments even as the social value decreases, the ESV generated from the difference between the sale price and social value results from value transfer. 

  • China Review of Political Economy. 2024, 15(6): 163-185.
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     Economic fluctuation and growth are the core problem of economic subject to create value and develop productivity. This paper mainly aims at the problem of economic fluctuation and growth. At the theoretical level, a two-sector model of national economic
    reproduction is established from the perspective of Marx's reproduction theory, and a quantitative index system of actual output level is constructed from the perspective of Marx-Shaikh based on Shaikh's principle of Maximum Expanded Reproduction. This article finds that when the distribution ratio of input and output of the two sectors is coordinated, the output of the two sectors will be improved. The profit rates of the departments are similar,the profits of the department are transformed into the average profit of the society, and the actual output level reaches the peak. At the empirical level, the actual output levels of China,the United States,the United Kingdom, Japan and France are measured by input-output table and other data, and it is found that China has sufficient production input and stable capital input for a long time, and is currently in a new stage of improving the actual output level driven by innovation and development. It is found that on the basis of moderate investment and accumulation and stable real economy, we must go through a transition period from multi-level production to the elimination of backward production capacity and the development of high-level economy, to guide production factors transfer to high-quality industries.

  • China Review of Political Economy. 2024, 15(6): 186-224.
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    Isaak Illich Rubin(1886-1937) was born in Daugavspils, Latvia,on June 12,1886.In 1905,he became an active participant in the Russian revolutionary movement. He later joined the Mensheviks and was elected to their Central Committee in the autumn of 1920. He was imprisoned by the GPU in April 1923 in the round-up of Mensheviks. On his release he dropped his political work to concentrate on his academic studies and teaching.From 1926 to 1930,he was a research associate at the Marx- Engels Institute under Ryazanov, becoming one of the most influential interpreters of Marx's work. In the 1920s, he published several works, including Essays on Marx's Theory of Value,Physiocracy, A History of Economic Thought; Contemporary Economists in the West,Classics of Political Economy from the 17th to mid-19th Centuries,History of Class Struggles, and co-edited Fundamental Problems of Political Economy. His most influential work,Essays on Marx's Theory of Value, was published four times in 1923,1924,1928and 1929.The second edition in 1924 drew sharp criticism at the time,with critics arguing that it separates the form of value from the content of value. Rubin's works were rediscovered and translated into English and other languages only in the 1970s. His political economy ideas have attracted some attention in the West, and in recent years, they have also attracted increasing attention from domesticscholars. However,apart from Essays on Marx's Theory of Value published by the Central Compilation & Translation Press,there are few Chinese translations of Rubin's works in China. This is a lecture given by Isaak Illich Rubin at a meeting of the Economics Institute of the Marx-Engels Institute in May and June 1927. The lecture developed one of the main themes of Rubin's Essays on Marx's Theory of Value. This lecture was first published in Under the Banner of Marxism (Noд 3HaMeHeM Mapkch3ma), No. 6,1927.Capital & Class translated the lecture into English in issue 2,1978,based on the German version. The main contents of this lecture are as follows:“abstract labor”and“value”are the central problems of all Marxist theories. We should investigate the question of the relationship between“labor”and“value”not only by “the analytical method", but by “the dialectical method” as well. Marx's theory of value and money have five “basic concepts":the relations of production betweenthe commodity producers,abstract labor,value,exchange value and money. This system was only interrupted in two places, at the point where we have to move from“the relations of production”to “abstract labor”,and then again from“value”to“exchange value”. These “interruptions”disappear when we regard“abstract labor”as “labor which possesses a determined social form”,and“value”as“the unity of content and form".